March 21, 2023

Announcing the VMware Application Modernization vExpert Program 2023

Application Modernization vExpert program for 2023 is now open!

VMware is excited to announce the Application Modernization vExpert program for 2023. If you’re not familiar with vExpert, the program is designed to recognize individuals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge of VMware technologies with the broader community.


What is an Application Modernization vExpert?

Individuals who are awarded Application Modernization vExpert status are the cream of the crop when it comes to application modernization knowledge, including platforms that modern applications run on. They’re advocates of VMware Tanzu—a portfolio of VMware products and services for modernizing applications and infrastructure—as well as other application platforms running on VMware solutions. vExperts love “giving back” to the community by sharing their knowledge with their peers, whether through blogging, vlogging, creating tutorials, or speaking at events like VMware Explore, VMUG, vBrownbag, SpringOne, CNCF Meetups, etc.

Benefits of the Application Modernization vExpert Program

Becoming an Application Modernization vExpert comes with unique perks. In addition to the vExpert title and the cool new badge, VMware will provide a number of great opportunities to give you the recognition you deserve.

Here’s what Application Modernization vExperts gain:

  • Amplification of the articles you write through VMware channels
  • Exposure at VMware events, including leading conferences like VMware Explore
  • Opportunities to interface with and provide feedback to the VMware Tanzu product, marketing, and engineering teams, casting your influence on the leading Kubernetes solutions in the industry

Visit the vExpert website for the full list of vExpert program benefits.

How to apply to the Application Modernization vExpert program

To be eligible to apply, you must be a recognized 2023 vExpert who is already evangelizing technologies around Kubernetes, application modernization, and modern app platforms. You can apply via the vExpert portal; we will be accepting applications until March 24th. Our team will review applications received by that date throughout the rest of the month and will continue to review Application Modernization vExpert applications on a yearly basis.

We can’t wait to start this new journey with you and the Application Modernization vExpert community!

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