Tanzu Mission Control - Self-Managed QuickStart
This is for testing and evaluation purposes only. This QuickStart guide is intended to install Tanzu Mission Control with minimal requirements. For production use cases, please refer to the official documentation
Tanzu Mission Control, is a centralized hub for simplified, multi-cloud, multi-cluster Kubernetes management. More information can be found here
Tanzu Mission Control has been available to operators as a SaaS offering but is now a deployable application to supported Kubernetes clusters called Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed. This enables customers to utilize the fleet-wide management capabilities of Tanzu Mission Control in organizations where SaaS services are restricted, organizations that need complete application control, or air-gapped environments.
Read more about Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed in this release blog
QuickStart Introduction
But what if you’re just looking for a quick and easy way to test Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed in your lab/test environment?
Well, we got you covered, this QuickStart guide will guide you through the installation with minimal set of requirements.
- vSphere with Tanzu enabled on a vSphere cluster
- An Intel based operating system with
- docker desktop installed
- A network accessible Harbor Registry
- you need one public project for Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed images
- access to Tanzu packages repository - default (projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/standard/repo)
- if you’re working in an internet restricted environment, please see documentation
In this guide we will deploy the following components
- Tanzu kubernetes cluster 1.23+
- cert-manager 0.11+
- clusterissuer using a self-signed certificate (included)
- external-dns for dynamic dns configuration - this is optional but recommended “*”
- the values provided in this guide are for configuring external-dns with a BIND server, if you’re planning to use other or if you want more configuration option, please refer to this docs
- dex (OIDC provider)
- opendlap (users authentication)
“*” If you don’t want to use dynamic dns configuration you can create two dns entries manually
- tmc.mydomain.com
- *.tmc.mydomain.com
DNS entries will point to the contour-envoy load balancer IP once deployed in step 6
1 - clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/hobovirtual/tmc-sm-quickstart-guide.git
cd tmc-sm-quickstart-guide
2 - Push images to your harbor registry
2.1 - download and extract Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed installer in the current directory (from your X86_X64 machine)
Installer download available from the Customer Connect download site
mkdir tmc
tar -xf tmc-self-managed-1.0.0.tar -C ./tmc
2.2 - add your harbor certificate
Update the bootstrap/harbor.crt file with your harbor certificate
2.3 - build local docker image
Now let’s build our local docker image that will do the work for us
docker build -t bootstrap bootstrap/.
2.4 - push images to harbor
Update all values in {{}} with your registry values
value | description |
{{myharbor.mydomain.com}} | harbor fully qualified domain name or ip |
{{myproject}} | public harbor project where all the container images will be stored |
{{username}} | harbor username |
{{passwword}} | harbor password |
docker run --rm -v $PWD/scripts:/work/scripts -v $PWD/images:/work/images -v $PWD/tmc:/work -e IMGPKG_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME={{myharbor.mydomain.com}} -e PROJECT={{myproject}} -e IMGPKG_REGISTRY_USERNAME={{username}} -e IMGPKG_REGISTRY_PASSWORD={{password}} -it bootstrap push-images
3 - Create a Tanzu kubernetes cluster
3.1 - edit the tkc/tkc-tmc.yaml file with your values
Review and replace all values in {{}} and update with your own
template value | example value |
{{vsphere namespace}} | vns-sanbox |
{{storageclass}} | vsan-default-storage-policy |
3.2 - create the Tanzu kubernetes cluster
Update all values in {{}} with your environment values
value | description |
{{supervisor ip-fqdn}} | vsphere with Tanzu supervisor fully qualified domain name or ip |
{{username}} | supervisor username |
{{password}} | supervisor password |
docker run --rm -v $PWD/scripts:/work/scripts -v $PWD/tkc:/work/tkc -e SUPERVISOR={{supervisor ip-fqdn}} -e USERNAME={{username}} -e KUBECTL_VSPHERE_PASSWORD={{password}} -it bootstrap tkc
4 - Validate that kapp controller is available
Recent Tanzu Kubernetes releases should have kapp-controller installed, if you’re using an older release, then please install it by following the official documentation
If you want to validate if kapp-controller is present in your Tanzu kubernetes cluster
kubectl -n tkg-system get po -l app=kapp-controller
5 - Install and configure prerequisites
Before proceeding with the installation of Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed, we need to install and configure some packages, we will use Tanzu Packages.
5.1 edit configuration files and update them with your values
Review and replace all values in {{}} and update with your own
template value | example value |
{{myharbor.mydomain.com}} | harbor.tanzu.lab |
{{myproject}} | tmc |
{{mydomain.com}} | tmc.Tanzu.lab |
{{ —BEGIN CERTIFICATE— —END CERTIFICATE—}} | your harbor certificate |
packages/standard/secrets.yaml (external-dns)
template value | example value |
{{owner id}} | tmc.Tanzu.lab |
{{dns1, dns2}} |, |
{{dns zone}} | Tanzu.lab |
{{domain filter}} | Tanzu.lab |
NOTE: If you don’t want to use external-dns, you can either remove the section from the secrets.yaml and pkgi.yaml files or leave the default
5.2 - install Tanzu packages (cert-manager and external-dns)
Update all values in {{}} with your registry values
value | description |
{{supervisor ip-fqdn}} | vsphere with Tanzu supervisor fully qualified domain name or ip |
{{username}} | supervisor username |
{{passwword}} | supervisor password |
docker run --rm -v $PWD/config:/work/config -v $PWD/scripts:/work/scripts -v $PWD/tkc:/work/tkc -v $PWD/packages:/work/packages -e SUPERVISOR={{supervisor ip-fqdn}} -e USERNAME={{username}} -e KUBECTL_VSPHERE_PASSWORD={{password}} -it bootstrap Tanzu-packages
6 - Install configure Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed
docker run --rm -v $PWD/config:/work/config -v $PWD/scripts:/work/scripts -v $PWD/tkc:/work/tkc -v $PWD/packages:/work/packages -e SUPERVISOR={{supervisor ip-fqdn}} -e USERNAME={{username}} -e KUBECTL_VSPHERE_PASSWORD={{password}} -it bootstrap tmc-install
please note Tanzu Misssion Control Self-Managed installation can take several minutes to complete
For manual dns entries - you can easily retrieve the external IP using this command
kubectl -n tmc-local get svc contour-envoy -o jsonpath={'.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip'}
What’s next??
Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed has now been successfully deployed! Access the interface by following using the credentials below.
user | password |
Tanzu | VMware1! |
To ensure new Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters can be managed by Tanzu Mission Control, a custom certificate must be added to the trusted section of your TkgServiceConfiguration in vSphere with Tanzu.
Here's an example to add the self-signed certificate to the tkgserviceconfiguration spec section (please note that if you’re using your own certificate you will need to modify the data value)
- name: tmc-sm
If you want to add your supervisor cluster as a management cluster, follow instructions documented here
If you want to attach a cluster, follow instructions documented here