August 23, 2024

Tanzu What’s New - Augst 23,2024 Edition

Get ready for VMware Explore 2024!!  This week, we're dropping some major Tanzu updates!Product Updates:• Transition to VMware Tanzu Platform Console: Simplify your Kubernetes management • Introducing Crowdstrike Falcon for Tanzu: Enhance your container securityThis week's releases with New Features and Improvements• TAS and TKGI latest • Tanzu Greenplum •   Stemcell and Tanzu Product Security UpdatesKnowledgebase articles - Get Quick Solutions to Common Issues• TAS and TKGm troubleshooting KB articlesStay ahead of the curve with our latest blogs:• How Tanzu Platform unlocks significant cost savings for organizations • White Paper on Security Outcomes - Learn From Experts • KBYG VMware Explore LasVegas on CloudFoundry WeekliesDon't miss our upcoming webinars:•  Aug 26th Las Vegas - VMware Explore 2024: Session highlights listing and Details on VMware by Broadcom booth • Spring One - opening Keynote - Celebration of Spring's power Explore the possibilities of VMware Tanzu • Sep 4 Sneakpeak of VMware Explore FeatDon't miss out on the excitement! Stay tuned for more updates and insights from VMware Explore 2024!


"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

VMware Tanzu Cloud Services
Transition VMware Tanzu Cloud Services to VMware Tanzu Platform Console New KB article !!
On September 11, 2024, cloud services in the VMware Tanzu portfolio will transition away from VMware Cloud Service to the VMware Tanzu Platform, and customers will access VMware Tanzu cloud services at going forward.  

The cloud services impacted by this change include:
VMware Tanzu Platform (previously named VMware Tanzu Hub)
VMware Tanzu Mission Control
VMware Tanzu Application Catalog
VMware Tanzu Service Mesh
VMware Tanzu Guardrails 

VMware Tanzu Product Security Notice
Last week we mentioned the release of the Crowdstrike Falcon for VMware Tanzu tile for Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry.   

Crowdstrike continues to update the tile with a new release this week as well as documentation on how to install and use the agent.

If you are a Crowdstrike customer also using TPCF and have questions please contact your account team to set up a meeting with David Zendzian (dmz) the Tanzu Global Field CISO who has been working with Crowdstrike on this tile.

VMware Tanzu Product Releases 
In this section, we will add releases information on Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry, Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes, Tanzu Data Services, and Tanzu Spring Essentials Products that are part of Tanzu Platform and Standalone solutions along with its release date and release notes. 

(Note : Broadcom Support portal requires you to register)
Tanzu Product Downloads  |  KB article on How to Download ProductsTanzu Product Lifecycle (Select Tanzu Division to find Tanzu product releases) 

Product Name Version Release Date Related Links
VMware Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry
Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS)
Check Release Notes for Component version, Feature and Bug Fix details.





Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

Tanzu Application Service for VMs[Windows] (TASW)
Check Release Notes for Component version, Feature and Bug Fix details.





Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI)
Check Release Notes changes and fix details for CLI ,tile and management console details
1.20.0(CLI and tile)
1.20.0(Mgmt Console)
2024-08-19 Release Notes
VMware Tanzu Platform 
Stemcells (Ubuntu Jammy) 
Check Release Notes for details. 
1.529 2024-08-21 Release Notes
Crowdstrike Falcon for VMware Tanzu 
This tile installs the Falcon agent on Linux foundations and provides runtime protections normally found with Crowdstrike Falcon
1.1.0 2024-08-22 Release Notes
VMware Tanzu Data Solutions
VMware Tanzu Greenplum® 
Minor release that includes new and changed features and resolves several issues



Release Notes
Other Releases
Isolation Segment (ISO)
Check Release Notes for Component version, Feature and Bug Fix details.






Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Product Security Updates
Within the release notes there may be security or governance specific updates that are worth highlighting.  The Tanzu Security team reviews each release and summarizes security or governance specific highlights found within the release notes.  

Tanzu Security Team Disclaimer:
The summary below is a review of the above product release notes from a security and governance point of view and may not reflect specific security or governance requirements you may require. It also does not include all details from the release notes. Please review the full release notes for release details. 

VMware Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry
Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS)

  •         Updated versions and dependent components
    •         backup-and-resotre-sdk, bpm, capi, cf-autoscaling, cflinux3, credhub, diego, garden-runc, java-offline-buildpack, loggregator, loggregator-agent, metric-registrar, metrics-discovery, nats, nodejs-offline-buildpack, notifications-ui, push-apps-manager-release, push-usage-service-release, r-offline-buildpack, routing, web-servers-cnb-buildpack, statsd-injector, syslog, system-metrics-scraper

Tanzu Application Service for VMs[Windows] (TASW)

  •         Updated versions and dependent components
    •         Diego, envoy-nginx, garden-runc, loggregator-agent, metrics-discovery, winc, windows-syslog, windowsfs-release

Other Releases
Isolation Segment (ISO)

  •         If you are upgrading from v4.0.25 or v4.0.26, v5.15 or v5.0.16, v6.05 or v6.06 to a later patch version, upgrade TAS for VMs and apply those changes before you upgrade Isolation Segment. Failure to upgrade TAS for VMs first will result in TCP route outages on Isolation Segment.
  •         Updated versions and dependent components
    •         bpm, cflinux3, diego, garden-runc, loggregator-agent, metrics-discovery, routing, syslog 

Crowdstrike Falcon for VMware Tanzu 

  •         Updated support portal link
  •         Fixed action release version

VMware Tanzu Platform 
Stemcells (Ubuntu Jammy) 

  •         USN-6895-4: Linux kernel 100 low,medium,high CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6922-2: Linux kernel 4 low,medium CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6940-1: snapd 3 medium CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6942-1: Gross 1 medium CVE resolved
  •         USN-6943-1: Tomcat 5 low,medium CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6945-1: wpa_supplicant and hostapd 1 medium CVE resolved
  •         USN-6949-1: Linux kernel 226 medium,high CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6950-1: Linux kernel 50 medium CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6950-2: Linux kernel 50 medium CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6950-3: Linux kernel (Oracle) 50 medium CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6954-1: QEMU 3 medium CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6956-1: Linux kernel (Azure) 55 medium,high CVEs resolved
  •         USN-6959-1: .NET 1 medium CVE resolved
  •         USN-6960-1: RMagick 1 medium CVE resolved
  •         USN-6961-1: BusyBox 4 low,medium CVEs resolved 

VMware Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI)

  •         Updated versions and dependent components
    •         antrea, cloud providers (aws, azure, vsphere), containerd (linux, windows), coredns, csi driver for vSphere, etcd, kubernetes, metrics server, ncp, velero
  •         The supported upgrade paths to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition v1.20.0 are from TKGI v1.19.2 and earlier v1.19 patches.
  •         TKGI v1.20.0 has no breaking changes.
  •         Supports private registry access.
  •         Adds root CA front_proxy_ca_2024 and leaf certificate front_proxy_client_2024, set by Kubernetes API server options --requestheader-client-ca-file and --proxy-client-cert-file, to enable third-party extension server authentication.
  •         Enhances TKGI API server log to include user-initiated lifecycle operations on clusters, compute profiles, Kubernetes profiles, network profiles, and certificates.
  •         Makes the TKGI system pod root file systems read-only.
  •         Hides system component hostPath values from the cAdvisor pod.
  •         Management Console:
    •         Removes Notary server. Notary is deprecated in newer versions of Harbor.
  •         TKGI v1.20.0 deprecates the following:
    •         Integration with Wavefront.
    •         Integration with Tanzu Service Mesh.
    •         For Configuring Cluster Access to Private Registries, deprecates API method (Beta) in favor of fully-supported CLI method as described in Configuring Cluster Access to Private Registries.
    •         See also Deprecations and removals in the Kubernetes v1.29 documentation.
  •         You cannot change multiple control plane AZs at the same time, you can only change a cluster’s control plane AZs under both of the following:
    •         Cluster has at least 3 control plane nodes.
    •         You do not change multiple AZs at the same time.
    •         Failure of conditions can result in etcd data loss.
  •         On clusters configured to use a containerd registry and Istio CNI, upgrading the TKGI version without also upgrading the stemcell fails with errors kubelet cannot find istio-cni binary and nsx fails to recieve message header. This error does not occur when you upgrade to a new stemcell along with the new TKGI version.
  •         GMSA authentication failures after stemcell upgrade, Reconnecting with gMSA requires a second VM reboot, but TKGI does not currently trigger the reboot automatically, reboot manually to correct.
  •         TMC Data Protection feature supports privileged TKGI containers only.
  •         For vSphere with NSX, the HTTP Proxy password field does not support the following special characters: & or ;.
  •         Azure Default Security Group Is Not Automatically Assigned to Cluster VMs

VMware Tanzu Data Solutions
VMware Tanzu Greenplum® 

  •         VMware Greenplum 7.3.1 is a minor release that resolves several issues.
    •         Resolves an issue with VACUUM of append-optimized tables that might cause incorrect SELECT results or PANIC errors.
    •         Resolves a panic related to the sort execution.
    •         Resolves a PANIC error while moving query to a different resource group.
    •         Resolves a relcache leak caused when ANALYZE was interrupted.

Check out the troubleshooting Tips and Resolutions on various Tanzu Products. This section is a great resource for you to bookmark and quickly prevent issues before pushing applications to Production. 

VMware Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry
VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS)
Failing to rejoin the msyql nodes to the cluster after bootstrapping a node using TAS 4.0.13+LTS-T - The bug was fixed in Percona's PXC release, which went into VMware's pxc-release v1.0.23, which went into TAS release 4.0.16 . 

VMware Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKGm)
Creating of a Management cluster in VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid fails with error "edition not found" - This occurs because Tanzu cli version is not compatible to the  VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid MGMT cluster version.

VMware Tanzu Platform 
5 Reasons VMware Tanzu Platform Maximizes your Investment for Faster App Delivery - (Blog) Darin Zook and Rachna Srivastava Integrating the full suite of application platform solutions offered by Tanzu Platform can unlock significant cost savings for organizations. Checkout the session on Tanzu Platform at VMware Explore 2024, details in webinar event section below. 

Security Outcomes with VMware Tanzu Platform - (Whitepaper) The key features of the Tanzu Platform that safeguard your applications from both known and emerging threats. 

Cloud Foundry Weeklies Series  -  Subscribe  | RSS Feed
Cloud Foundry Weekly: KBYG VMware Explore Vegas! : Ep 24 - (Video) Nicky Pike, Nick Kuhn Nicky and Nick will give a pre-explore show to breakdown all the great sessions you should attend! If you are still looking to fill up your calendar with great TPCF related content, than don't miss this session

Upcoming Events and Webinars sorted in Date order below for your convenience with relevant links and information for you to not miss these key happenings. 

VMware Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry
Sep 4 - Sneak Peek of VMware Explore feat. Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry - Join us for an exclusive webinar as we dive into the latest advancements in Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry, the exciting launch of our GenAI Beta, and a sneak peek into the upcoming VMware Explore sessions and tutorials.

VMware Explore 2024 AUGUST 26 – 29, 2024
Aug 26 -VMware Explore 2024 - Map your next move at the industry’s essential cloud event. Don’t delay.  FAQ , Agenda, Content Catalog    Spring One In person event at Explore 2024 

Don't miss these VMware Tanzu sessions at Explore 2024 (Blog) with session highlights

Stop by the VMware by Broadcom booth (#822) to learn more about Tanzu Platform and don’t miss the end-to-end demo in theAccelerate Your App Delivery with VMware Tanzu Platform [TANB1129LV]session. 

Spring One Virtual Event AUGUST 26 – 28, 2024 (Virtual)
Spring One in person at VMware Explore details mentioned above. Or Register to Join Virtual Live Stream here Check Spring Session listed above. We're bringing the cool of Spring to everyone! It's a celebration of Spring's power in simplifying your production experience. Don’t miss the opening KeyNote

Tanzu What's New Series - Weekly Tanzu digest on Tanzu product Releases, KB Articles, Success Stories, Updates, Blogs, Videos & More. RSS feed is also available. You can also Subscribe for this weekly update on the official VMWare Tanzu Linked In Newsletter Now!!!!  We now have 10k+ subscribers.

Tanzu Academy - An on-demand, comprehensive learning hub for platform and application operators to become experts at achieving meaningful outcomes with Tanzu products. Check out the New course on Tanzu Operations Manager 

Spring Academy - The new Spring Academy Pro FREE is live! Check out the details here

Tanzu Fundamentals (Videos)
Tanzu Documentation 
Tanzu Courses 

Note: Sign in to Tanzu TechZone to browse between editions, pin content, rate content, build favorites lists, etc. 
Thanks and Regards,
Aruna Srinivasan (She/Her)
Client Services Consultant - Tanzu Customer Success


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