December 08, 2023

Tanzu What’s New - Dec 8, 2023 Edition

Don't miss out on the latest Tanzu updates! Subscribe to our RSS feed and stay informed on the go. This week, we've got exciting releases for Tanzu Application Service and important patch updates for Tanzu Mission Control. Take a look at our valuable KB articles and learn from Solera's success with Tanzu Mission Control. Plus, enjoy hands-on workshops and demos on Tanzu and Kubernetes. And don't forget to join our upcoming webinar on unlocking the power of Postgres with Tanzu Application Service. Let's ride the Tanzu wave together!

Don't miss out on the latest Tanzu updates! Subscribe to our RSS feed and stay informed on the go. This week, we've got exciting releases for Tanzu Application Service and important patch updates for Tanzu Mission Control. Take a look at our valuable KB articles and learn from Solera's success with Tanzu Mission Control. Plus, enjoy hands-on workshops and demos on Tanzu and Kubernetes. And don't forget to join our upcoming webinar on unlocking the power of Postgres with Tanzu Application Service. Let's ride the Tanzu wave together!

"Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure." - Aisha Tyler

Check out Tanzu Product releases for this week with release notes and relevant links for more information. 

Product Name Version Release Date Related Links
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS)
Check Release Notes for Feature improvements, fixes and component versions






Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs[Windows] (TASW)
Check Release Notes for Feature improvements, fixes and component versions






Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

SaaS Product Release Updates
Tanzu Mission Control (TMC)

  Added support for custom pod networking in AKS and EKS clusters

  Added support for installing multicluster TAP profiles

  Added support for creating and managing opaque secrets

Patch Release

December Updates Dec 4th Update
Isolation Segment (ISO)
Check Release Notes for fixes and component versions






Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

Release Notes

Check out the troubleshooting Tips and Resolutions on various Tanzu Products. This section is a great resource for you to bookmark and quickly prevent issues before pushing applications to Production.

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS)
ImageScan failed with TLS certificate error  - Workload deployment failed on image-scanner resource.  Check the article for the cause and workaround details.

User created in CF CLI not completely deleted when using UAAC to delete user  - When we delete via the UAAC command line tool, it appears to leave a "ghost" user; meaning that upon deletion, if we check apps manager, the "deleted" user still remains with the user identifier changing from the actual user's name to the user's GUID.

How to get details on the last 1000 crashed apps from CAPI.  - This KB article demonstrates a CAPI call that obtains app details relating to the last 1000 crashed app instances. 

java-cfenv changes special characters in the password of DB2 jdbc connection strings  - With upgrading to a TAS version that includes java_buildpack_offline v4.62.0 or v4.63.0 (2.11.45-48, 2.13.27-30, 4.0.9-12 or 5.0.2) users can experience issues while using DB2 connections

VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (OpsMan)
"526 Invalid SSL Certificate" error while accessing Apps Manager - In Apps Manager logs complained expiration of either instance or CA certificate, when looking at the certificate which signs this cert, diego-instance-identity-root-ca-2-6, the expiration date is different. Check the article for source of the problem and resolution details. 

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)
Calico node reports unauthorized error after token expires, if TKR < 1.24 (95457) - Calico version 3.19, by default doesn’t have the CALICO_MANAGE_CNI variable set, so it won’t automatically refresh the token once the token used for Calico expires. 

How to rotate bosh-dns certificates leaf in TKGI 1.9+ using maestro (88187) - Bosh dns leaf certificates are not rotated in a timely manner. Check the workaround and resolution details in the article.

Solera’s Success with Tanzu Mission Control

Why Solera Chose Tanzu Mission Control (Video) - Nandish Parmar, director for virtualization platforms at Solera, explains how Tanzu Mission Control gives Solera the simplicity of not having to learn Velero while utilizing all of its capabilities.

Main Challenges When Managing Kubernetes Environments and Data Protection (Video) - Nandish Parmar, director for virtualization platforms at Solera, explains how different teams, when using their own tool sets, bring the need for a solution that can work across those scenarios. 

Why Solera Needs a Disaster Recovery Solution (Video) - Nandish Parmar, director for virtualization platforms at Solera, explains the compliance requirements the company has to meet and how they deal with the multiple acquisitions they went through in a globally distributed company through a disaster recovery strategy. 

Best Practices for Disaster Recovery with Tanzu Mission Control and Velero  - (Video) Pradeep Kumar Chaturvedi, product manager at VMware, and Nandish Parmar, director for virtualization platforms at Solera Holdings, go through some options depending on your strategy for disaster recovery.

VMware Tanzu and Kubernetes
Self-Guided Workshop: Containers & Kubernetes 101 on Tanzu (HOL-2433-01-MAP) - (Video) Expert Guided Workshop on 'Containers and Kubernetes 101 on Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (HOL-2433-01-MAP)'. This session is perfect for those new to containers and Docker, offering a foundational understanding in a practical setting.

Self-Guided Workshop: Tanzu & Kubernetes for vSphere Admins (HOL-2413-01-SDC)  - (Video) In this series, you'll explore various VMware Hands-On Labs, each led by our team of VMware experts. Dive deep into different VMware solutions, gaining hands-on experience and valuable insights! 

VMware Tanzu Mission Control (TMC)
A Demo of Data Protection Capabilities through Tanzu Mission Control  - (Video) Corey Dinkens, technical marketing architect at VMware, shows the data protection tab inside VMware Tanzu Mission Control and all information about the Velero deployment, including backups, and schedules created. 

Upcoming Events and Webinars sorted in Date order below for your convenience with relevant links and information for you to not miss these key happenings. 

Postgres with VMware Tanzu Application Service
Dec 12 - Unlocking the Power of Postgres with VMware Tanzu Application Service - Curious about introducing Postgres to your Tanzu Application Service (TAS) ecosystem? Join us for an insightful session into the initial release of VMware Tanzu with Postgres for TAS. 

Tanzu What's New Series - Landing page  - Weekly Tanzu digest on Tanzu product Releases, KB Articles, Success Stories, Updates, Blogs, Videos & More. Did you know RSS feed is now available? 

Tanzu Customer Newsletters - Monthly Product Feature Updates, Demos, Office Hours, Tips, Announcements. November Newsletters for TAS , TMC , TKGI are now available. NEW!!!!!!  Did you know RSS feed is now available? 

Tanzu Academy - An on-demand, comprehensive learning hub for platform and application operators to become experts at achieving meaningful outcomes with Tanzu products.

Tanzu Fundamentals (Videos)
Tanzu Learning Resources
Tanzu Courses

Note: Sign in to Tanzu TechZone to browse between editions, pin content, rate content, build favorites lists, etc. Do check out the new look of our Tanzu TechZone
Thanks and Regards,
Aruna Srinivasan (She/Her)
Sr. Digital Content Manager - Tanzu Customer Success

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