July 21, 2023

Tanzu What’s New - July 21, 2023 Edition

This week,Product team has been busy to address existing issues and interesting features, Checkout the lineups and release notes for information. Shubham’s Blog is a knowledge treasure if you have not read. VMware Application Catalog has an update waiting for you!!! Developers don’t miss this under 6 minutes video for TAP!! VMware Data Solutions advances healthcare with AI  Checkout the Webinars and the most awaited VMware Explore 2023 on your way to Las Vegas. Interesting sessions lined up!!!

 Tanzu Update Header


"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." — William James

Check out Tanzu Product releases for this week with release notes and relevant links for more information.

Product Name


Release Date

Related Links

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI)
Check Release Notes for Resolved issues, Product Snapshot, Feature and Enhancement details



Release Notes
Product Snapshot
Feature Enhancements
Resolved Issues

VMware Data Solutions
VMware Greenplum®
Includes fixes on Server and Data Flow



Release Notes

VMware Tanzu GemFire
Resolves Security Vulnerability issues and fixed issue details are in Release notes.



Release Notes

VMware RabbitMQ® for TAS
Check Release notes for Resolved issue details



Release Notes
Release Notes

Other Releases
Spring Cloud Services for VMware Tanzu
Resolves Security Vulnerability issues and fixed issue details are in Release notes.



Release Notes

Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes
Check Release notes for Resolved issue details



Release Notes

VMware SQL with MySQL for TAS
High and critical CVEs were addressed and changes of component versions and breaking changes in Release notes.



Release Notes
Breaking Changes

VMware SQL with MySQL for TAS
High and critical CVEs were addressed and changes of component versions and breaking changes in Release notes.



Release Notes

Application Service Adapter for TAP
Check Release notes for Changelogs and details




Release Notes

Release Notes
Release Notes

API portal for VMware Tanzu
Check Release notes for Updated Package version and CVE addressed details



Release Notes


VMware Tanzu Application Platform (TAP)
How to exclude README.md and accelerator-log.md being generated by Application Accelerators - Check out the steps outlined for this in this article.

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs(TAS)
Script post-backup-unlock for job lock-unlock-pcf-autoscaling failed to connect to CAPI endpoint during backup - When using BBR to backup TAS foundation, it failed with script post-backup-unlock for job lock-unlock-pcf-autoscaling for connecting to CAPI endpoint. Check this article for resolution and details.

OutofMemory.info - Shubham Sharma’s blog
About Shubham  Shubham Sharma currently works as a Technical Director for Product Support at VMware. He likes learning new things, sharing, and contributing to open-source projects.  He has written many Tanzu blogs and here is the list.

Recently, Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed was released enabling customers to leverage and deploy TMC on their own infrastructure. The installation process overall is one of the smoothest in the Tanzu product suite. Shubham compiled a series of posts he completed which can be helpful for users who are getting started with TMC Self-Managed from scratch as it also focuses on prerequisite configuration that TMC Self-Managed expects before kicking off the installation process.

Find the entire series below:

VMware Application Catalog (VAC)  
July 21 Update - FAQ Documentation Links
Does VMware Application Catalog support CycloneDX format for viewing SBoM information? - CycloneDX format SBoM can be imported in Dependency-Track or any other such tool to visualize SBoM information.
How to convert SPDX file to CycloneDX file and use Dependency-Track to view information of SBoM? - The SPDX format SBoM from VMware Application Catalog can be converted to CycloneDX format using Syft CLI. 

Elevate the Security of Your Kubernetes Secrets with VMware Application Catalog and Sealed Secrets - Bala B describes how VMware Application Catalog now includes enterprise support for Sealed Secrets, enabling customers to add an asymmetric cryptography-based protection to their Kubernetes Secrets stored in shared repositories.

Tanzu Application Platform (TAP)
Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) Developer Experience in Under 6 Minutes - (Video) This Video provides a quick demonstration of the developer experience using Tanzu Application Platform, including creating a new application using Application Accelerators, observing the Software Supply Chain as the application is tested, built, scanned, and deployed, observing Kubernetes resources and runtime metrics, and surveying additional features that the TAP GUI, based on Backstage, offers to developers for fostering organization, discovery, and collaboration across developer teams.

Spring Updates
This Month in Spring - July 2023  - (Blog) Josh L shares spring updates and takes you a round trip on all the happenings and upcoming ones on Spring updates. 

Serverless Spring -  (Blog) Step by step Guide by Dan Vega on how to create a serverless function and deploy it to a cloud provider like AWS. By the end of this article, you will have an understanding of when to reach for serverless and how to create functions using Spring. 

VMware Tanzu Mission Control (TMC)
Jul 25 - Securing Kubernetes Clusters with Tanzu Mission Control - Join us to learn how to apply different policies to clusters at different levels of granularity (single cluster, cluster groups, etc.), the benefits of OPA Gatekeeper as a policy engine, and when to leverage mutation policies.

VMware Data Solutions
Jul 27 - Advancing Healthcare with AI & Machine Learning using VMware Data Solutions - Learn how to capitalize on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, harnessing data to drive your organization's mission forward.

General/App Modernization
Jul 26 - How to Simplify Public Cloud Governance: Automation for Policy Enforcement - Learn how to scale governance in multi-cloud environments. 

VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas - Aug 21-24
Check out the Curated Compiled session information for your convenience.
Looking for #VMwareTanzu specific sessions at #VMwareExplore? Here you go!!
Explore TAP | Explore-TKO | Explore-TKG | Explore-TMC | Explore-TAS | VMware Data Sessions |  Tanzu TechZone Compilation on VMware Explore Sessions 

Looking for Sessions Specific for Develop, Operate, Optimize
DevEx with Golden Paths | Application Runtime | Governance & Continuous Improvement

 VMware Explore 2023 - VMware on VMware Speakers - lookout for these amazing VMware on VMware speakers. 

Join us at VMware Explore 2023 in Las Vegas |  Barcelona VMware Explore 2023 Nov 6 - 9 Details | Early Bird Registration for EMEA | SpringOne@Explore | Spring One@Explore FAQ | Related VMware Explore Blog

Tanzu What's New Series - Landing page  - Weekly Tanzu digest on Tanzu product Releases, KB Articles, Success Stories, Updates, Blogs, Videos & More. VMware Tanzu Twitter and linked in features this weekly series as well.  Follow the page which is convenient to you.
Tanzu Customer Newsletters - Monthly Product Feature Updates, Demos, Office Hours, Tips, Announcements. July 2023 Updates are now available for TKG, TMC - New!!!!
Tanzu Academy - An on-demand, comprehensive learning hub for platform and application operators to become experts at achieving meaningful outcomes with Tanzu products.
Tanzu Fundamentals (Videos)
Tanzu Learning Resources
Tanzu Courses
Note: Sign in to Tanzu TechZone to browse between editions, pin content, rate content, build favorites lists, etc.
Thanks and Regards,
Aruna Srinivasan (She/Her)
Sr. Digital Content Manager - Tanzu Customer Success

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Tanzu Tanzu Application Platform Tanzu Application Service Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Tanzu Kubernetes Operations Tanzu Mission Control Tanzu on VMware Cloud on AWS Tanzu Service Mesh vSphere with Tanzu VMware Tanzu Application Catalog VMware Data Solutions VMware GemFire VMware Greenplum VMware RabbitMQ VMware SQL Blog What's New Aruna Newsletter