July 07, 2023

Tanzu What’s New - July 7, 2023 Edition

Exciting Opsman 3.x LTS release, BBR release and IPsec release to get you started, then nourish you with how to KB articles and awareness of known issue and resolutions, Did you know how to enable Antrea NodePortLocal on TKGS clusters?, do not miss this week’s TechBlog recommendation with Bassem’s blog. Checkout the study report on TAS success,Josh takes you a round trip on all spring updates on July 4th week. Brand New Financial Sector webinar series and Public Sector webinar series coming up. Greenplum Harness its potential with Open AI models webinar sounds interesting. Developers golden pot is here in the listed Golden Path webinar list. Count down starts for VMware Explore 2023, checkout the Speaker list and convenient curated session list for all Tanzu products. 

 Tanzu Update Header

“I never lose. I either win or learn.” – Nelson Mandela

Check out Tanzu Product releases for this week with release notes and relevant links for more information.

Product Name


Release Date

Related Links

VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (OpsMan)
It is now possible to configure vSphere to use human readable VM names. Check Release Notes for more details



Release Notes

Other Releases
BOSH Backup and Restore (BBR)
Updated Golang and other dependencies. Check Release notes for details.



Release Notes

IPsec for VMware Tanzu
Check Release notes for details



Release Notes


VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (OpsMan)
vSphere memory-based cluster balancing - This document describes the steps needed to configure Tanzu Operations Manager to make optimal use of multi-asymmetrical vSphere clusters per AZ.
Intermittent error "InvalidIdentityValues" in BOSH Azure CPI when creating TKGI clusters - This document describes the steps needed to configure Tanzu Operations Manager to make optimal use of multi-asymmetrical vSphere clusters per AZ.
How to clean up expired security configuration.trusted_certificates - This document describes the steps needed to configure Tanzu Operations Manager to make optimal use of multi-asymmetrical vSphere clusters per AZ.

VMware Tanzu Application Services for VM (TAS)
app-usage-worker fetching service usage event failure with "Mysql2::Error: Incorrect string value ..." - On Heathwatch2 Grafana dashboard it's showing increasing async failure for usage service event fetching. And the status panel started to show constant failure.
"Could not install python: no match found for 3.6.x" error when upgrading App Dynamics - Unable to start appd dashboard application if using AppDynamics Platform Monitoring for PCF to anything lower than v5.0.477.
"Address family not supported by protocol" error for ping test in cflinuxfsv4 based application - This document explains how to perform ICMP (ping) tests in the cflinuxfsv4 based application.

VMware Tanzu Application Platform (TAP)
How to disable out of the box limit ranges for profiles where Namespace Provisioner installs a limitrange via a parameter in TAP values - This KB describes how to disable out of the box limit ranges for profiles where Namespace Provisioner installs a limitrange via a parameter in TAP values.
"permission denied" error is seen in the deployment POD when using jammy stack. - This known issue has been fixed in TAP (Tanzu Application Platform) 1.5.2. Check article for more details.

VMware Tanzu Mission Control (TMC)
Pulling images using proxy from external registries may fail using registry.k8s.io (93231) - This article will help to analyze and troubleshoot issues with image pull and proxy. 

Concourse for VMware Tanzu
Concourse gives permission to SAML user based on the very first group only and ignores the rest of the groups due to group delimiter configuration - Customer has integrated Concourse with SAML Authentication. But they are seeing users are not being given correct permission to teams based on their groups assigned and only the very first group is detected.

nsxbaas - Bassem Rezkalla’s blog
Featuring Bassem Rezkalla’s blog . Bassem Rezkalla , currently a senior virtual cloud networking TAM by VMware based in the Netherlands, he has written detailed blogs on vSphere with Tanzu and various TKG blogs as well.

Enabling Antrea NodePortLocal in Single and Multi-Zonal TKGS Clusters - NodePortLocal is a feature that is part of the Antrea Agent, through which a backend Pod can be reached from the external network using a port of the Node on which the Pod is running. Bassem walks you through the steps on how to enable Antrea NodePortLocal on TKGS clusters. NodePortLocal feature in vSphere with Tanzu TKG 2.0 (this is the TKGS release those ships with vSphere 8.0U1 and has Antrea version 1.6 as default CNI for guest TKC clusters)

VMware Tanzu Application Services for VM (TAS)
The Total Economic Impact Of VMware Tanzu Application Service - (Blog) Study participants reported that with VMware Tanzu Application Service, developers spent less time building and debugging application environments, a decrease in downtime of business critical applications. 

Spring Updates
This Week in Spring - July 4th, 2023  - (Blog) Josh L brings in various Spring Updates and his upcoming Jakarta Spring One tour information.

Financial Sector Webinar Series
July 11 - How Cloud Native Improves & Ensures Security, Governance, and Trust in Finance - In this third talk, we'll discuss these new tools and methods such, The use of guard rails and templates to ensure standards are met in containerized applications, Tools that facilitate centralized governance and reporting across numerous distributed container workloads, Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) creation and automation to ensure a secure software supply chain.

VMware Tanzu Public Sector Webinar Series
VMware Tanzu is a modular, cloud native application platform that accelerates development, delivery, and operations across multiple clouds. Join VMware and Carahsoft for a webinar series to learn more about VMware Tanzu solutions.

July 12 - Simplifying Kubernetes Cluster Operations - VMware Tanzu Mission Control unifies Kubernetes cluster management to a single control plane and groups resources as a resource hierarchy. This can help an operator easily manage policies, data protection, or packages for their Kubernetes clusters regardless of cloud infrastructure.
July 19 - Database as a Service for vSphere Environments - Learn how VMware Data Services Manager can help you create and manage foundational data services through a centralized platform 

VMware Data Solutions
July 11 - Building AI-Powered Search Applications on VMware Greenplum Data Warehouse with pgvector - In this talk, we’ll learn how to leverage its powerful vector similarity search capabilities within Greenplum and harness its potential in combination with OpenAI models and finally discover how this integration can revolutionize the development of Image Search applications and domain-specific Chatbots. 

Golden Path to SpringOne Join in Application Developers !!!
Lineup of Speakers from VMware and beyond, cover everything from Spring, programming tools, platforms, and tech stacks to the people, processes, culture changes, and real-world stories that will empower today’s developers to do more. New shows air every Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm ET until we see you at SpringOne at VMware Explore in August 2023.

July 11- A New CLI for Spring Developer Productivity - In this talk, we’ll take a demo-driven tour of a new CLI for Spring developers that will help accelerate your development by helping you create new projects and, more importantly, allowing you to add code to your existing project.
July 13 - The Talking Application: Giving Your Spring Applications a Voice with Alexa - In this session, we’ll look at how to create a simple voice user interface for Alexa. We’ll then make it the voice of a Spring application, seeing how to design our APIs and implement security to support a voice frontend.

General/App Modernization
July 12 - [EMEA] Harnessing the Power of Spring Framework 6 & Spring Boot 3 - Come and uncover the transformative potential of Spring Framework 6, Spring Boot 3, and VMware Tanzu. Arm your enterprise with the knowledge and strategies needed to lead the charge in next-generation application development
July 13 - Getting Started: Understand your Cloud Costs and Save Money - Make sure you’re fully informed when making cost decisions with our cost dashboards for multi-cloud.

VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas - Aug 21-24
Looking for #VMwareTanzu specific sessions at #VMwareExplore? Here you go!!
Explore TAP | Explore-TKO | Explore-TKG | Explore-TMC | Explore-TAS | VMware Data Sessions |  Tanzu TechZone Compilation on VMware Explore Sessions 

VMware Explore 2023 - VMware on VMware Speakers - lookout for this amazing VMware on VMware speakers. 

Join us at VMware Explore 2023 in Las Vegas |  Barcelona VMware Explore 2023 Nov 6 - 9 Details | Early Bird Registration for EMEA | SpringOne@Explore | Spring One@Explore FAQ | Related VMware Explore Blog

Tanzu What's New Series - Landing page  - Weekly Tanzu digest on Tanzu product Releases, KB Articles, Success Stories, Updates, Blogs, Videos & More. VMware Tanzu Twitter and linked in features this weekly series as well.  Follow the page which is convenient to you.
Tanzu Customer Newsletters - Monthly Product Feature Updates, Demos, Office Hours, Tips, Announcements. May 2023 Updates are now available for TAS, TKG, TKGI and TMC
Tanzu Academy - An on-demand, comprehensive learning hub for platform and application operators to become experts at achieving meaningful outcomes with Tanzu products.
Tanzu Fundamentals (Videos)
Tanzu Learning Resources
Tanzu Courses
Note: Sign in to Tanzu TechZone to browse between editions, pin content, rate content, build favorites lists, etc.
Thanks and Regards,
Aruna Srinivasan (She/Her)
Sr. Digital Content Manager - Tanzu Customer Success


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