June 30, 2023

Tanzu What’s New - June 30, 2023 Edition

Various Tanzu product releases and June 29th TMC patch update information awaits you. Recent Gorouter issue and related KB article, vmwarehub Amit’s blog on Techblog recommendation,Blog about How TAP helps Bank and other financial institutions with their innovation, New TAP overview video, Did you hear about TMC now offering Self managed deployment option? Read all about it and an animated video. Tanzu Talk podcast recap on Cloud Foundry 2023 and YouTube channel to catcup all session recordings, Barcelona VMware Explore 2023 Early bird Registration open now. Hurry!!!

Tanzu Update Header

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts” - Winston Churchill

Check out Tanzu Product releases for this week with release notes and relevant links for more information.

Product Name


Release Date

Related Links

VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (OpsMan)
Ops Manager Support Bundle now includes BOSH Director logs. Check Release Notes for more details



Release Notes
Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS)
Check Release notes for Bug fix and bumped component version details



Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs [Windows] (TASW)
Check Release notes for Bug fix and bumped component version details



Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI)
Check Release notes for Product snapshots, Resolved issues, Features and Enhancements and more



Release Notes
Product Snapshot
Upgrade Path
Features and Enhancements
Resolved Issues

SaaS Product Release Updates
Tanzu Mission Control (TMC)
Added support for Kubernetes 1.25 clusters. Check Release notes for details.

Patch Release


June 29 Update

June 29th Update


VMware Data Solutions
VMware™ RabbitMQ® for Kubernetes
Check Release notes for package version changes and details



Release Notes

VMware™ RabbitMQ®
Check Release notes for package version changes and details



Release Notes

VMware RabbitMQ® for Tanzu® Application Service™
Addresses issue in route-registrar, Check Release notes for details



Release Notes
Release Notes

VMware Greenplum®
Addresses CVE issues on server and for bug fixes, Check Release notes for details



Release Notes

Other Releases
Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes
Check Release notes for Bug fix details



Release Notes

Isolation Segment (ISO)
Check Release notes for Component versions and Bug fixes and feature improvements



Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes


VMware Tanzu Application Services for VM (TAS)
Multiple HTTP Expect: 100-continue responses sent from gorouter to client may cause unexpected failures - Recent Tanzu Application Service releases  2.11.36-2.11.41, 2.13.18-2.13.23, 3.0.8-3.0.13, and 4.0.0-4.0.4 and Tanzu Isolation Segment releases 2.11.30-2.11.35, 2.13.15-2.13.20, 3.0.8-3.0.13, and 4.0.0-4.0.4 include gorouter release 0.258.0-0.273.0 which introduces a change in how HTTP expect 100 headers are handled as a result of this update in Go 1.20.x. Go made this change in order to be compliant with RFC7231 Section-6.2.

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)
Existing TKG 2.1.1 MultiOS workload clusters can't be operated after MC is upgraded to TKG 2.2.0 due to TKR issues (92946) - This issue will only impact users using multiple osimages in a single workload cluster. More details in the article.

VMware Data Solutions
VMware RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ Quorum Queue baseline performance testing - The PerfTest is a throughput testing tool for RabbitMQ. that can demonstrate the baseline performance of a RabbitMQ node or a cluster of the RabbitMQ nodes. Check the article for How to steps.

About Amit Verma  Amit Verma has 17 years of experience in various Virtualization products specifically VMware. He posts blogs related to detailed architecture and deployment steps of various virtualization products. Check his Tanzu topic blogs here. Latest one is added below.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Unleashing the Power of Kubernetes at Scale - As organizations increasingly embrace cloud-native architectures, the need for efficient container orchestration becomes paramount. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG), a powerful offering from VMware, provides a streamlined and scalable solution for managing Kubernetes clusters across multiple environments.

VMware Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) / App Modernization
Disrupting the Status Quo with Digital Wallets - (Blog) Banks and other financial institutions must implement new operating models, adopt modern app development processes, and foster new disciplines to support an app dev and delivery process that is fast, secure, and continuously innovating.

What's New in VMware Tanzu Application Platform - (Video) In this recording see how VMware Tanzu Application Platform is a single, end-to-end integrated platform solution that enables companies to build and deploy more software, more quickly and securely, through a rich set of developer tooling and a pre-paved path to production. 

VMware RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ Team Update: 29 June, 2023  - (Video) This is the first episode on the series where RabbitMQ team discuss recent developments in RabbitMQ 3.12. RabbitMQ 3.12 release notes , RabbitMQ Upgrade Guide

VMware Tanzu Mission Control (TMC)
"Did you hear? VMware Tanzu Mission Control now offers a self-managed deployment option!" 

Beyond SaaS: Multi-cluster Kubernetes Management for Regulated Industries and Sovereign Clouds (Blog)  Carol P embarks the benefits of TMC on Industries. With VMware Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed, available now, we're introducing an air-gapped deployment option, in addition to the currently available SaaS offering, to better support customers in highly regulated industries. 

An Overview of VMware Tanzu Mission Control - (Video) Check this animated video which describes TMC and how it works.  VMware Tanzu Mission Control is a centralized hub for simplified, multi-cloud, multi-cluster Kubernetes management available as software-as-a-service (SaaS) or as a self-managed deployment.
Check the Updated Product Page with Self-Managed Deployment information.

Tanzu Talk Podcast
Your Three Friends, Edward Grigson, Ben Wilcock and Michael Cote do a regular developer focused podcast on current industry topics. Cloud Foundry Day 2023 - Did you miss Cloud Foundry 2023 , no worries - Nick and Coté do a quick recap of the day. Nick’s recent post on The New Stack includes a lot of the same content. Keep an eye on the Cloud Foundry YouTube channel for recordings of all the talks, including Nick’s and Coté’s.

VMware Data Solutions
Jul 11 - Building AI-Powered Search Applications on VMware Greenplum Data Warehouse with pgvector - In this talk, we’ll learn how to leverage its powerful vector similarity search capabilities within Greenplum and harness its potential in combination with OpenAI models and finally discover how this integration can revolutionize the development of Image Search applications and domain-specific Chatbots. 

Golden Path to SpringOne Join in Application Developers !!!
Lineup of Speakers from VMware and beyond, cover everything from Spring, programming tools, platforms, and tech stacks to the people, processes, culture changes, and real-world stories that will empower today’s developers to do more. New shows air every Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm ET until we see you at SpringOne at VMware Explore in August 2023.
Jul 6 - Spring Cloud Function and AWS: Performance, Portability, and Productivity - In this session (50/50 presentation/demo), Oleg (Spring) and Mark (AWS) will discuss and demonstrate these features and enhancements with a single function handling 10,000 requests a second.
Jul 11- A New CLI for Spring Developer Productivity - In this talk, we’ll take a demo-driven tour of a new CLI for Spring developers that will help accelerate your development by helping you create new projects and, more importantly, allowing you to add code to your existing project.

VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas - Aug 21-24 - The center of the multi-cloud universe!!  Early bird Registration now open for Barcelona Nov 6-9 2023 event.
Discover the center of the multi-cloud universe. Don’t delay. Early-bird pricing ends 31 July.

Join us at VMware Explore 2023 in Las Vegas , Barcelona VMware Explore 2023 Details | SpringOne@Explore | Spring One@Explore FAQ | Related VMware Explore Blog

Tanzu What's New Series - Landing page  - Weekly Tanzu digest on Tanzu product Releases, KB Articles, Success Stories, Updates, Blogs, Videos & More. VMware Tanzu Twitter and linked in feed features this weekly series as well.  Follow the page which is convenient to you.
Tanzu Customer Newsletters - Monthly Product Feature Updates, Demos, Office Hours, Tips, Announcements. May 2023 Updates are now available for TAS, TKG, TKGI and TMC
Tanzu Academy - An on-demand, comprehensive learning hub for platform and application operators to become experts at achieving meaningful outcomes with Tanzu products.
Tanzu Fundamentals (Videos)
Tanzu Learning Resources
Tanzu Courses
Note: Sign in to Tanzu TechZone to browse between editions, pin content, rate content, build favorites lists, etc.
Thanks and Regards,
Aruna Srinivasan (She/Her)
Sr. Digital Content Manager - Tanzu Customer Success


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