March 08, 2024

Tanzu What’s New - Mar 8,2024 Edition

Announcing the release of VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI) 1.18.2, along with updates across our Tanzu product line. Read our Technical Advisory on High/Critical Stack CVEs discovered in TAS/TAP Customer Scans. Engage in our quarterly round-up covering Tanzu Application Catalog. Shape the future of Spring by participating in the State of Spring Survey 2024. Explore our compelling lineup of webinars focusing on GemFire, Spring, and PostgreSQL.



"You are capable of more than you know." - Les Brown

Check out Tanzu Product releases for this week with release notes and relevant links for more information. 

Product Name Version   Release Date Related Links
VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS)
Release Notes has fix and component version updates




Release Notes

Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Application Service [Windows] (TASW)
Release Notes has fix and component version updates




Release Notes

Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI)
Check Release Notes and links for more info on resolved issues and component version details
1.18.2 2024-03-05 Release Notes
Resolved Issues
Tanzu Data Solutions
VMware Greenplum®
Check Release Notes for Fix details





Release Notes
Other Releases
Isolation Segment (ISO)
Release Notes has fix and component version updates





Release Notes

Release Notes

Application Service Adapter for TAP
Check Release Notes for CF CLI compatibility issue fix details
1.3.1 2024-03-08 Release Notes

Check out the troubleshooting Tips and Resolutions on various Tanzu Products. This section is a great resource for you to bookmark and quickly prevent issues before pushing applications to Production.

VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (OpsMan)
Apply Changes fails in "Installing BOSH" section erroring with just "Exited with -1." - Check Resolution in the KB article.

VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS)
High/Critical Stack CVEs from TAS/TAP Customer Scans - Customers of TAS and TAP deployments may be concerned about CVEs in the stack images that their various scanners discover. In many cases, this may include high/critical CVEs, but when investigated, they are not usually affected components. Check the article for cause and details.

Remove the "Server" Response Header present in nginx app response - App uses nginx buildpack where the Server response header is present. Users need to completely remove the Server response from the response header.  

Rolling App deployment in TAS - allowing all instances to update. - During the rolling deployment of an application in TAS (Tanzu Application Service), some users encounter timeout issues before all application instances are successfully deployed. Leading to incomplete deployments and service interruptions. 

External IP assigned to BOSH deployed VMs in GCP - When new VMs are added to any tile, it is possible that the resource configuration for these new VMs may lead to an external IP address being assigned to them in GCP. Check the article for the details.

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)
Allowing metrics HTTP endpoints on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) control plane components such as kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager for Prometheus (83667) - The purpose of this article is to provide steps to expose the /metrics endpoint to be reachable by other nodes.

Manually patch ako operator addon secret with new AVI certificate in when upgrading TKG to 2.1(and above) (95796) - This issue happens because customers rotated AVI certificate before upgrade, but this new value won’t be updated in ako operator addon secret/tkg-pkg secret. Check the article for details.

VMware Tanzu Application Catalog (TAC)
What's new with Tanzu Application Catalog - (Blog) Bala Bharathy Welcome to another edition of What’s new with Tanzu Application Catalog. This is a quarterly round up of all things related to Tanzu Application Catalog. 

VMware Tanzu CloudHealth
FOCUS-Compliant Reporting for Multiple Clouds with VMware Tanzu CloudHealth - (Blog) Sanjna Srivatsa We are thrilled to introduce our FOCUS FlexReports template for AWS, Azure, and GCP. 

Spring Updates
Spring Boot 3.3.0-M2’s Support for Bitnami Container Images: Developer’s Guide - (Blog) Agustin Ventura Bitnami offers you automatic packaging and verification of up-to-date versions of hundreds of open-source software (OSS) applications. Check out the details and practical usecases. 

Contribute to the Future of Spring! Complete the State of Spring Survey 2024 Today  - (Blog) Michelle Sebek If you're a Spring user and passionate about Spring and its community, this is your chance to make your voice heard. Join the conversation and contribute to the collective knowledge of the Spring ecosystem. Survey Link

Extending Support for Apache Tomcat: Leading the Way with Tanzu Spring Runtime - (Blog) Michelle Sebek and Mark Thomas We are proud to announce our continued commitment to Apache Tomcat through extended support, paving the way for an offering that provides comprehensive, experienced assistance to our Tanzu Spring Runtime customers.

Upcoming Events and Webinars sorted in Date order below for your convenience with relevant links and information for you to not miss these key happenings.
VMware Tanzu Data Solutions
VMware Tanzu GemFire
March 12 - Accelerate Innovation with Tanzu GemFire Vector Database - Our experts will guide you through the core principles of in-memory computing and how GemFire VectorDB enhances these with its unique features. 

VMware Tanzu PostgreSQL 
March 14 - Empowering PostgreSQL in the Enterprise with Tanzu by Broadcom - Join us for a webinar that reviews the robust capabilities of Tanzu by Broadcom's PostgreSQL distribution, tailored specifically for the enterprise environment. 

Spring Webinar
March 14 - Build Better and Secure Enterprise Spring Apps on any Cloud, any Kubernetes - In this session we’ll explore how application aware platforms accelerate development across clouds, regardless of where you are in your platform journey.

Tanzu What's New Series - Landing page  - Weekly Tanzu digest on Tanzu product Releases, KB Articles, Success Stories, Updates, Blogs, Videos & More. Did you know RSS feed is now available

Tanzu Customer Newsletters - Monthly Product Feature Updates, Demos, Office Hours, Tips, Announcements. RSS Feed available.  

Tanzu Academy - An on-demand, comprehensive learning hub for platform and application operators to become experts at achieving meaningful outcomes with Tanzu products.
Spring Academy - Begin or advance your mastery of Spring with hands-on courses created by experts.
Tanzu Fundamentals (Videos)
Tanzu Learning Resources
Tanzu Courses 

Note: Sign in to Tanzu TechZone to browse between editions, pin content, rate content, build favorites lists, etc. Do check out the new look of our Tanzu TechZone 

Thanks and Regards,
Aruna Srinivasan (She/Her)
Client Services Consultant - Tanzu Customer Success


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