October 27, 2023

Tanzu What’s New - Oct 27, 2023 Edition

A major highlight of this update is the release of various Tanzu products, including Operations Manager, TAS versions, MySQL for TAS, and TKGI patch release. But that's not all! We have also resolved the issue of MySQL failing to start with a detailed KB article. In addition, we have updated our Tanzu Hands on Labs and curated a list of sessions for VMware Explore Barcelona. With so much going on, it's no wonder that VMware Tanzu is recognized as a leader in the industry. In fact, a recent report highlights the strengths of Tanzu and why it is a top choice for organizations. If you want to get more involved in the Tanzu community, don't forget to register as a Tanzu Edge Design partner. And if you're attending VMware Explore Barcelona, be sure to check out our sessions and don't miss all the exciting updates and information we'll be sharing. So what are you waiting for? Read on and stay ahead of the curve with all things Tanzu!

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A major highlight of this update is the release of various Tanzu products, including Operations Manager, TAS versions, MySQL for TAS, and TKGI patch release. But that's not all! We have also resolved the issue of MySQL failing to start with a detailed KB article. In addition, we have updated our Tanzu Hands on Labs and curated a list of sessions for VMware Explore Barcelona. With so much going on, it's no wonder that VMware Tanzu is recognized as a leader in the industry. In fact, a recent report highlights the strengths of Tanzu and why it is a top choice for organizations.

If you want to get more involved in the Tanzu community, don't forget to register as a Tanzu Edge Design partner. And if you're attending VMware Explore Barcelona, be sure to check out our sessions and don't miss all the exciting updates and information we'll be sharing. So, what are you waiting for? Read on and stay ahead of the curve with all things Tanzu! 

“Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.” - Walt Disney
Check out Tanzu Product releases for this week with release notes and relevant links for more information.

Product Name


Release Date

Related Links

VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (OpsMan)
Healthwatch deployment issue fixed, Check Release Notes for details




Release Notes
Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS)
Feature Improvements and Fix details are in Release Notes




Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs[Windows] (TASW)
Feature Improvements and Fix details are in Release Notes





Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI)
Fix and Component version details are in Release Notes



Release Notes

SaaS Product Release Updates
VMWare Application Catalog name changed to VMware Tanzu Application Catalog
This product belongs to Tanzu Portfolio hence the name change.

New Name


October Updates

Name Change Update


VMware Data Solutions
VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service™
Patch Release addresses various CVE issues and bug fixes. Check Release Notes for more details





Release Notes

Release Notes
Release Notes

Other Releases
Isolation Segment (ISO)
Feature Improvements and Fix details are in Release Notes




Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes

BOSH Backup and Restore
Release Notes link has dependencies and changes



Release Notes

Check out the troubleshooting Tips and Resolutions on various Tanzu Products. This section is a great resource for you to bookmark and quickly prevent issues before pushing applications to Production.

VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS)
MySQL fails to start after a failed upgrade and bosh recreate - You are running a TAS and it fails on pre-start on MySQL vm. For this example TAS is upgraded from 2.11.27 to TAS version 4.0.8. Check KB article for more details

VMware vSphere 8.0 with Tanzu
Conflict when upgrading TKG guest cluster with Tanzu Application Platform installed with message "kube-system is already associated with a different label kapp.k14s.io" (94937) - When upgrading a TKG 1.x cluster to TKG 2.x on vSphere 8 which has previously had either Tanzu Application Platform or Tanzu Cluster Essentials installed, the upgrade may stall with errors encountered when viewing the supervisor cluster.

vSphere Pods fail to get created showing 'FailedRealizeNSXResource' (84166)  - This issue can occur if the ESXi hostname is specified in upper case while the NCP is using lower case. Check the KB article for symptoms and impacts for this issue and resolution details.

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG)
Cluster creation fails on TKG 2.1.1 when ANTREA_DISABLE_UDP_TUNNEL_OFFLOAD is set (94880) - The management cluster fails to install and stalls during cert-manager installation. Check KB article to know more on known issue and resolution details.

VMWare Tanzu Hands on Labs
Are you ready to elevate your skills and embrace the exciting world of VMware Tanzu?
  Whether you're an operations expert, a platform engineer, or simply intrigued by the world of modern applications and Kubernetes, our new labs have something useful for you.

Check out the Containers and Kubernetes 101 Lab to:

        Explore the fundamental concepts of containers and Kubernetes.

        Dive into interactive exercises focused on Kubernetes operations.

        Master the essentials required to efficiently manage containerized applications.

In the VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Lab you will:

        Learn how to harness the power of VMware Tanzu for seamless Kubernetes operations.

        Dive deep into advanced Kubernetes management and optimization techniques

        Unlock the full potential of Kubernetes with Tanzu and optimize your operations.

Turn to the VMware Tanzu Application Platform Lab when you are ready to:

        Discover how platform engineers can leverage Tanzu Application Platform to enhance the development experience.

        Enhance your skills to enable developers to rapidly build and deploy apps/APIs to production.

        Elevate the developer experience by providing self-service access to security-approved environments and tools, facilitating seamless onboarding, learning, and consistency across projects.

All our labs offer practical, hands-on experience with VMware Tanzu products. Dig in and have fun!

VMware Tanzu - A Leader !!
VMware named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ - (Blog) Access the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Container Management report to discover. Checkout this report to find Why VMware has been positioned in the Leaders’ Quadrant for its VMware Tanzu.

Spring Updates
Spring Ahead: Celebrating 20 Years of Spring Innovation - (Blog) Michelle S As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Spring Framework and the 10th anniversary of Spring Boot (now adopted by millions of developers globally), we reflect on how far we've come. 

VMware Tanzu Edge Design Partner
Become a VMware Tanzu Edge Design Partner! - (Blog) Jennifer K The VMware Tanzu Edge technologies team is looking for design partners to help us refine and prove new Kubernetes-based solutions for edge applications. Apply Today !!!

VMware Tanzu
Nov 14 - Accelerating Business Agility with VMware Tanzu: Unifying Application and Operations Platform Control Plane Services - Join us to learn what businesses are looking for to sustain and grow their digital business and how VMware Tanzu is unifying application and operations platform control plane services to drive business agility and accelerate the ability to develop, operate, and optimize any app on any cloud, at scale.

Nov 28 - VMware Application Catalog: Mitigating Open Source Software Supply Chain Risks - Join this webinar to learn how you can use VMware Application Catalog, the enterprise edition of Bitnami Application Catalog to Procure open source software, Security and compliance postures

VMware Data Solutions
VMware Greenplum

Oct 31 - [EMEA] Optimizing Data Architecture with Samsung & VMware Greenplum - This session aims to equip you with practical insights to leverage the latest Samsung hardware technologies and build high-performance systems. Immerse yourself in this exploration of data warehousing and analytics optimization. 

Spring Events
Nov 7 - Unlock the Value of Spring Boot 3 for Your App Portfolio - Join us to learn how your team can future-proof your applications and unlock the transformative power of Spring. 

VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona - Keynote
VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona - November 6 - 9, 2023 just around the corner!!!!

Your Guide to VMware Tanzu at Explore 2023 in Barcelona - Take advantage of your visit to VMware Explore in Barcelona next week to load up on VMware Tanzu! 

VMware Tanzu Sessions at VMware Explore 2023 in Barcelona: Curated Agendas (PDF)- These curated Tanzu session agendas highlight key sessions focused on a particular VMware Tanzu offering and should be a good starting point for your planning. Do check this out as each day sessions are listed out for your convenience. 

Last Chance for VMware Explore - Join thousands of peers, hundreds of experts, and VMware leaders in Barcelona. Let’s remake the cloud together. 

VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona - VMware Tanzu Sessions - Here is a one stop page of all the VMware Tanzu sessions: General Session & Solution Keynotes All VMware Explore keynotes take places on Tuesday 7th November, and all passes provide access to the showcase keynotes as scheduled content. 

The best place to get started on planning your attendance is by adding our Solution Keynote to your schedule.

Please follow the link below and add the keynote to your schedule to save yourself a seat:
Click here to add the keynote to your conference schedule - Entitled Accelerate Application Delivery for Continuous Innovation, the keynote will be held on Tuesday, November 7 at 12:15 CET and will cover all the latest developments from VMware Tanzu. It will also demonstrate the journey of an app from inception to deployment. And between us, you’ll also have the chance to win a surprise giveaway! 

Do not miss out on other breakout sessions, meet the expert roundtables, and demo areas for you to experience. 

Kubecon / Cloud Native Con 2023 November 6 – 9, Chicago
Kubecon coming up Next | Schedule | Register
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Chicago, Illinois from November 6-9, 2023. Join our CNCF Graduated and Incubating Projects as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

Tanzu What's New Series - Landing page  - Weekly Tanzu digest on Tanzu product Releases, KB Articles, Success Stories, Updates, Blogs, Videos & More. VMware Tanzu Twitter and linked in features this weekly series as well.  Follow the page which is convenient to you.
Tanzu Customer Newsletters - Monthly Product Feature Updates, Demos, Office Hours, Tips, Announcements. October Newsletters for TAS , TKG  are now available.. Check the Products section. TKGI and TMC October 2023 editions will be available soon.
Tanzu Academy - An on-demand, comprehensive learning hub for platform and application operators to become experts at achieving meaningful outcomes with Tanzu products.
Tanzu Fundamentals (Videos)
Tanzu Learning Resources
Tanzu Courses
Note: Sign in to Tanzu TechZone to browse between editions, pin content, rate content, build favorites lists, etc. Do check out the new look of our Tanzu TechZone.
Thanks and Regards,
Aruna Srinivasan (She/Her)
Sr. Digital Content Manager - Tanzu Customer Success

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