VMware Aria Operations for Logs: Journey To Success

Introduction to VMware Aria Operations for Logs

Hello and Welcome from VMware Aria Operations for Logs!

You can use this site as a roadmap for your operations journey to success. It includes a variety of use cases from getting started to becoming a power user. You can navigate as you want; you are not required to read it in order, but you may do so as needed. Besides, if you are looking to expand your operations skills, we can help. Skip to the last section and let the fun begin!

If you’re wondering how other customers are using VMware Aria Operations for Logs, please visit the VMware Customer webpage.

Getting Started

The first few steps in our journey to becoming a log guru start with a basic understanding of the Aria Operations for Logs layout, how to use the Log Explorer for some basic log queries, and viewing some default dashboards to understand how log data is presented in them. We can then use all that knowledge to do some troubleshooting and move onto more advanced topics.

Start Configuring Aria Operations for Logs Cloud

(10m) Get familiar with the UI and start ingesting logs from various sources.


Basic troubleshooting for your VMware vCenter environment

(10m) Learn how to use out-of-the-box dashboards to organize your events and find patterns.


More Value: Using Aria Operations and Aria Operations for Logs Together

(5m) Combine the power of Aria Operations and Aria Operations for Logs to combine structured and unstructured data in one seamless view.


Getting More Out Of

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s start ramping things up to some intermediate topics like installing 3rd party content packs, configuring log sources, and becoming a pro at the Log Explorer. When you complete this section, you should feel comfortable pulling all your logs from any source into Aria Operations for Logs and making those logs relevant with custom dashboards, alerts, and log management.

Beyond the Basics: Deeper Insights into Your Events

Let’s go beyond vSphere logs and connect a few other log sources to understand how Aria Operations for Logs can give a full picture of your environment.

Making Logs Relevant for Your Use Cases

Sometimes we need more than what the out-of-the-box capabilities can offer. Let’s investigate creating our own custom dashboards and alerts.

Managing your events to reduce noise and focus on what’s important.

If you need to send your logs to a SIEM or other logging tool, learn how to do that with log forwarding and processing.

Using Log Partitions to help with compliance and auditing.

Use log partitions to set data retention goals and make your security team and auditors happy.

Get a complete picture of your cloud environments.

Grab even more logs from your public cloud environments with cloud proxies to increase the value offered by Aria Operations for Logs

Using Aria Operations for Logs agents to pull in logs from any application.

With agents, we can pull logs and events from our on-prem applications and operating systems to help troubleshoot why our applications went down and correlate with logs from other sources.

Keeping Aria Operations for Logs healthy.

Keep ingestion costs in check and understand what events might be flooding your Aria Operations for Logs instance with usage reports.

Becoming a Power User

Now that we have some solid expertise in Aria Operations for Logs, let’s dig into some advanced topics like creating our own fields in log explorer, and creating webhooks for alerting. Once you have these skills down, you’re on your way to becoming a full Aria Operations for Logs Guru!


Be a Log Explorer power user by making your own custom content.

As a master log explorer, you can extract fields from logs using regex and make events and logs relevant to your specific troubleshooting needs.

Use advanced analytics to save time searching through logs.

Leverage AI and ML to dig through the logs haystack to find the needle without having to spend valuable time searching manually.



Learn how to keep log data secure and segmented.

Sometimes not all users need access to all logs. Learn how to break users into roles and assign them datasets with access to specific logs.

Leverage your full investment in the Aria SaaS suite.

Send your alerts from Aria Operations for Logs to Aria Operations for true actioning and remediation, as well as to 3rd party products like PagerDuty and Slack for better awareness when an issue happens.



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